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Children of different ages choose different types of toys

Release time:2020-08-05 15:18:57  Views: 1324

Faced with various children's toys on the market, I really don't know which toys are suitable for babies. Sometimes I see a toy that I think is very interesting and I am happy to buy it, but the baby is not ready to play. Sometimes children's toys that have spent a lot of money are left out by the baby, causing a waste of resources. Therefore, buying toys for children must be based on age group. Children of different ages have different physical and mental development and have different functional requirements for children’s toys. Only by choosing toys that are suitable for the child’s age and psychology will the child have a sense of competence in toys and help him improve his practical ability and the ability to understand things. .

Age range: 0-6 months

Babies at this stage have limited vision, and their range of activities is mainly concentrated on the bed. Although the operation ability is still weak, they have been able to understand the world through sight and hearing. Children's toys with bright colors and special sounds are a good choice. But it should be noted that his auditory nerve development is not perfect at this time, and the sound of the toy must not be sharp. You can hit the castanets, rattles, and the crisp sounds of bells can easily attract babies' attention to the sounds.

Age range: 7-12 months

During this period, the baby's range of activities has expanded, and he already has basic mobility. He learns to sit, learns to crawl, and even starts to learn to walk. He has changed from simple monophonic to conscious speech, likes to beat, like to put all kinds of things in his mouth. At this time, choose toys that can exercise his mobility to help him take the first step in life, but pay attention to choosing larger children's toys to prevent children from swallowing toys or toy parts by mistake. You can choose small xylophones, jingle building blocks, electric toys, etc.

Age group: 1-2 years old

Babies start to learn to speak at this time, some have already mastered certain vocabulary, their behavior has changed from large movements to fine movements, and they have certain discrimination and thinking skills. They like to play interactive games with their mothers. At this time, simple operable children's toys and interesting jigsaw puzzles are very attractive to him. For example, different colored puzzles of the provinces, cities, and autonomous regions of our country allow children to learn some simple geographical knowledge while playing. At the beginning of the game, the mother can help the baby spell out patterns, and when the baby has mastered the method, let him do it himself.

Age group: 2-3 years old

Babies at this age have learned to run and jump, are energetic, have autonomy and peer awareness, and have better language coherence. He began to explore the surrounding environment, curious about everything, like to observe, and more like to imitate. Children's toys that can use their hands and brains are very helpful for his ability development.

If you have any toy needs or questions,
Please contact us

